What I Do
Pet B1
University of CambridgeCambridge ESOL Entry Level Certificate in ESOL International: link.
Membership ID: rRczsH
To see the certification click here
To see the certification click here
To see the certification here
Job Experience
Big Data Engineer

Big Data Engineer Consultant
Insurance Company
Agile Lab ConsultantMain Topics:
- Data modeling and data partitioning in a Cloudera Platform ecosystem.
- Development of Spark job using Scala for Ingestion and processing realtime or batch data.
- Development of NiFi pipeline to orchestrate jobs.
Big Data Engineer

Working on various internal and external (as a consultant) projects in Big Data field.
Energy Company
Vt Solutions & Consulting ConsultantBig Data Engineer for an important energy company. Main topics:
- Development of Apache Spark batch jobs using Scala for ingestion and processing of Avro file landed in HDFS.
- Design and development of Data Quality Spark Processing Jobs for reports based on Hive and Impala.
- Data preparation, data modeling and data partitioning.
- Highly focused on transformation and analysis phase of the data for reporting phase.
Telecommunication Company
Vt Solutions & Consulting ConsultantBig Data Analyst on Italian telecommunication Project. The main task was to write some guideline documents about the main approaches and best practices in a Big Data platform and its reference environment. The two documents were mostly on Big Data development and architecture with particular attention on the following points:
- Software component structure and code documentation.
- Git integration Strategy (with particular focus on branching models like Git-Flow and GitHub-Flow, code and environment promotion).
- Data Lake principles (data ingestion, data preparation, data exporting, testing).
- Lambda architecture, data modeling, data preparation, partitioning.
- Analysis for migration of Cloudera Ecosystem to Google Cloud Platform.
TV Company
Vt Solutions & Consulting ConsultantImportant project for german telecommunications company. Main Topics:
- Data modeling and data partitioning in a Google Cloud Platform ecosystem using Big Query.
- Development of Dataflow job using Scala for Ingestion and processing realtime data (Avro) ingested by Kafka with Dataflow.
- Development of Airflow DAGs using Python to perform ETL operations on data for DWH.
- DWH implementation
Contact With Me
Giovanni Brunetti
Big Data and Software EngineerIf you need do not hesitate to contact me!
Email: gb1609@outlook.com